Jan 23, 2020
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Feb 6, 2019
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May 5, 2020
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Relational activity in a non-linear stochastic environment.
This paper is concerned with the question of what information the agent needs to know to play the game: if it knows the rules, can it win the game? To answer this, we introduce the notion of a winning strategy and show that if the agent's knowledge can always be represented as a function of the information given so that the agent has a winning strategy, the agent will win the game. However, we show that if there is a probability p that the agent's knowledge is exactly the information given, then the agent will not have a winning strategy and the game is not solvable. We also introduce the idea of a potential winning strategy and show that the agent can construct one when the agents knowledge can be represented as a function of the information given. This is the case when the agent's knowledge of the environment is itself stochastic.{
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