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In our October 2019 report, we detail how we determined these redirections to be the result of network injection attacks performed either through tactical devices, such as rogue cell towers, or through dedicated equipment placed at the mobile operator. When months later we analysed the iPhone of Moroccan independent journalist Omar Radi, who as documented in our 2020 report was targeted, we found similar records involving the free247downloads[.]com domain as well.
Because of this, we can find additional records involving the domains free247downloads[.]com and urlpush[.]net in app-specific WebKit local storage, IndexedDB folders, and more. In multiple cases IndexedDB files were created by Safari shortly after the network injection redirect to the Pegasus Installation Server.
Similarly, on a different occasion Omar Radi visited the website of French newspaper Le Parisien, and a network injection redirected him through the staging domain tahmilmilafate[.]com and then eventually to free247downloads[.]com as well. We also saw tahmilmilafate[.]info used in the same way:
As you can see from the tables above, additional process names such as mptbd, ckeblld, fservernetd, and ckkeyrollfd appear right after bh. As with fmld and pcsd, Amnesty International believes these to be additional payloads downloaded and executed after a successful compromise. As our investigations progressed, we identified dozens of malicious process names involved in Pegasus infections.
The Cache.db file for contains details about the HTTP response which appeared to have been a download of 250kb of binary data. Indeed, we found the downloaded binary in the fsCachedData sub-folder, but it was unfortunately encrypted. Amnesty International believes this to be the payload launched as gatekeeperd.
As is evident, the same iMessage account observed in the previous separate case was involved in this exploitation and compromise months later. The same CloudFront website was contacted by and the additional processes executed, downloaded and launched additional malicious components.
Amnesty performed a forensic analysis of his iPhone as described previously. This forensic analysis showed redirects to a new domain name These links looked suspiciously similar to infection links previously used by NSO.
Based on our knowledge of the domains used in Morocco we developed a fingerprint which identified 201 Pegasus Installation domains which had infrastructure active at the time of the initial scan. This set of 201 domains included both urlpush[.]net and free247downloads[.]com. 2ff7e9595c