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Oracle library OCI.DLL or ORA803.DLL could not be loaded: Solutions and causes[^1^]


Consulted a lot of people, (they are said to be my PB and Oracle did not install well, so listened to their views, holding a glimmer of hope, the PB and Oracle have unloaded the reload, but, the same mistake Ah!!! To collapse) The problem remains unresolved.

fbIORawDataByPtr with READ_OP when *mppvVal!=NULL. Possible memory leaklrd.c/fjInitDB: Cannot load the ORACLE library (DLL), "ora805.dll", specified after a " " in the "805" entry in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file. - The specified module could not be found.Processing continueslrd.c/fjInitDB: Cannot load the ORACLE library (DLL), "oci.dll", specified after a " " in the "816" entry in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file. - The specified module could not be found.Processing continueslrd.c/fjInitDB: Cannot load the ORACLE library (DLL), "oraclient8.dll", specified after a " " in the "815" entry in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file. - The specified module could not be found.Processing continueslrd.c/fjInitDB: Cannot load the ORACLE library (DLL), "ora804.dll", specified after a " " in the "804" entry in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file. - The specified module could not be found.Processing continueslrd.c/fjInitDB: Cannot load the ORACLE library (DLL), "ora803.dll", specified after a " " in the "803" entry in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file. - The specified module could not be found.Processing continueslrd.c/fjInitDB: Cannot load the ORACLE library (DLL), "ora73.dll", specified after a " " in the "73" entry in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file. - The specified module could not be found.Processing continueslrd.c/fjInitDB: Cannot load the ORACLE library (DLL), "ora72.dll", specified after a " " in the "72" entry in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file. - The specified module could not be found.Processing continueslrd.c/fjInitDB: Cannot load the ORACLE library (DLL), "orant71.dll", specified after a " " in the "71" entry in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file. - The specified module could not be found.Processing continueslrd.c/fjInitDB: Cannot load the ORACLE library (DLL), "oraclient10.dll", specified after a " " in the "1100" entry in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file. - The specified module could not be found.Processing continueslrd.c/fjInitDB: None of the library combinations specified in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file could be loaded. Initializing for ORACLE failedlrd_to_printable: ERROR, return-code=LRDE2015. lrd_to_printable: Warning: continuing after error, return-code=LRDE2015. LRD error 2015 when generating value for lrd_assign(&THISPROGID_D1,...) - The generated lrd_assign is commented out, with a value of ???. It can be found by searching "lrd_assign(&THISPROGID_D1". value passed to lrd_assign may be invalid for THISPROGID_D1: lrd_error=2015 value passed to lrd_assign may be invalid for THISPROGID_D1: lrd_error=2015Code generation failed: Database client binaries were not found.Install the same Oracle Client Library that was installed on the machine on which this Vuser script was originally recorded.

oci dll or ora803 dll could not be loaded

vuser_init.c(13): lrd.c/fjInitDB: None of the library combinations specified in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file could be loaded. Initializing for ORACLE failedvuser_init.c(13): lrd_initialize_db: ERROR, return-code=LRDE2015.

rd.c/fjInitDB: Cannot load the ORACLE library (DLL), "ora805.dll", specified after a " " in the "805" entry in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file. - Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.Processing continueslrd.c/fjInitDB: Cannot load the ORACLE library (DLL), "oci.dll", specified after a " " in the "816" entry in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file. - (null)Processing continueslrd.c/fjInitDB: Cannot load the ORACLE library (DLL), "oraclient8.dll", specified after a " " in the "815" entry in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file. - Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.Processing continueslrd.c/fjInitDB: Cannot load the ORACLE library (DLL), "ora804.dll", specified after a " " in the "804" entry in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file. - Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.Processing continueslrd.c/fjInitDB: Cannot load the ORACLE library (DLL), "ora803.dll", specified after a " " in the "803" entry in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file. - Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.Processing continueslrd.c/fjInitDB: Cannot load the ORACLE library (DLL), "ora73.dll", specified after a " " in the "73" entry in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file. - Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.Processing continueslrd.c/fjInitDB: Cannot load the ORACLE library (DLL), "ora72.dll", specified after a " " in the "72" entry in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file. - Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.Processing continueslrd.c/fjInitDB: Cannot load the ORACLE library (DLL), "orant71.dll", specified after a " " in the "71" entry in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file. - Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.Processing continueslrd.c/fjInitDB: None of the library combinations specified in section [ORACLE_WINNT] in the "lrd.ini" file could be loaded. Initializing for ORACLE failedlrd_to_printable: ERROR, return-code=LRDE2015. lrd_to_printable: Warning: continuing after error, return-code=LRDE2015. LRD error 2015 when generating value for lrd_assign(&MaxCharLength_D1,...) - The generated lrd_assign is commented out, with a value of ???. It can be found by searching "lrd_assign(&MaxCharLength_D1". value passed to lrd_assign may be invalid for MaxCharLength_D1: lrd_error=2015 value passed to lrd_assign may be invalid for MaxCharLength_D1: lrd_error=2015Code generation failed: Database client binaries were not found.Install the same Oracle Client Library that was installed on the machine on which this Vuser script was originally recorded.

[ORACLE_WINNT]1100=lrdo32.dll oraclient11.dll805=lrdo32.dll ora805.dll816=lrdo32.dll oci.dll815=lrdo32.dll oraclient8.dll804=lrdo32.dll ora804.dll803=lrdo32.dll ora803.dll73=lrdo32.dll ora73.dll72=lrdo32.dll ora72.dll71=lrdo32.dll orant71.dll

So maybe you need match the exact version returned by server.And then also the Oracle client did have to be installed, both on Vugen machine and on LG. For previous versions it worked by just finding the Oracle client dll and placing it in /bin folder, but for version 11 we could only get it working with full installation of the oracle /ola

According my DBA, this setting works for other programs. 3. Now, when I try to connect (both run & design) I have an error message. Error Msg is Could not load oci.dll OracleHomeKey : software\oracle\Home0 OrcleHomeDir : ..\orawin95 Found : oci.dll Found : ora73.dll Found : ora803.dll Found : ora804.dll Found : ora805.dll Using : ..\bin\oci.dll LoadLibrary(..\bin\oci.dll) returned 0. oci.dll is in the path. Any help to solve the issue? TIA. -Mani floor1_2(); Eric Hil Delphi Developer

Next, OCIW32.DLL fills in a table of function pointers, one for each OCI call. Obsolete OCI functions are not immediately loaded since they are most likely not to be used (and may be omitted in future OCI releases). These are loaded on demand at runtime instead. No errors are returned when attempting to load function pointers.

current directoryon Windows NT:the 32-bit Windows system directory (SYSTEM32). Use the GetWindowsDirectory function to obtain the path of this directory.the 16-bit Windows directory (SYSTEM). There is no Win32 function that obtains the path of this directory, but it is searched.on Windows 95:the Windows directory. Use the GetWindowsDirectory function to obtain the path of this directory.the directories that are listed in the PATH environment variableNote: If no Oracle client DLL can be loaded, the DllMain() function of OCIW32.DLL will return FALSE and the application will fail to load. If the operating system does not provide an adequate error message to detect this, set ORAOCI_DEBUG.

  • The messages Unable to load the requested Database interface. Please make sure that both the interface and client software are properly installed and DBMS xxx is not supported in your current installation can appear in the PowerBuilder/Infomaker development environment whenever an attempt is made to connect to a database, and one or more of the dynamic link libraries (DLLs) required to make that connection cannot be found. In general, the error indicates that one of the following problems has occurred: The PowerBuilder database interface DLL could not be found in the path. The PowerBuilder DLL that is required is named PBxxx80.DLL for PowerBuilder 8.0, PBxxx70.DLL for PowerBuilder 7.0, PBxxx60.DLL for 32-bit PowerBuilder 6.0/6.5, and PBxxx60W.DLL for 16-bit PowerBuilder 6.0/6.5, where xxx is the first three characters of the DBMS specified in the PowerBuilder/Infomaker profile when in the development environment or of the DBMS property of the associated transaction object (e.g., SQLCA) when in a run-time environment. Note, only the first three characters of this string are important, the remainder serve only as documentation of the interface.AND/OR The associated database client software component DLL(s) with which the PowerBuilder database interface DLL was linked could not be found in the path. Each of the native PowerBuilder drivers assumes that a client-side component of the chosen DBMS exists in the path accessible by the client computer. Additionally, the bit-version of the client software must match the bit-version of PowerBuilder. For example, connections to Sybase databases from PowerBuilder 8.0 assume that the appropriate 32-bit version of OpenClient has been installed on or is accessible to the machine running PowerBuilder/Infomaker.Keep in mind that the search for a DLL will proceed in the following fashion: directory containing the executable current working directory registry entry Path in \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\App Paths\, where the executable name is either PB80.EXE for PowerBuilder 8.0, PB70.EXE for PowerBuilder 7.0, PB60.EXE for 32-bit PowerBuilder 6.0/6.5, or PB60W.EXE for 16-bit PowerBuilder 6.0/6.5. PATH environment variable set via Windows2000/NT ControlPanel or Windows 95/98 AUTOEXEC.BAT. (Please note the PowerBuilder 8.0 is not supported on Windows 95).

To aid in diagnosing these problems, the following charts (one each for PowerBuilder 6.0/6.5, PowerBuilder 7.0 and PowerBuilder 8.0) lists the three characters xxx identifying the database interface DLL, a description of the target DBMS, the PowerBuilder database interface DLL name and the database client software DLL(s) with which the PowerBuilder DLL was linked. Please note, the following tables merely list the database client DLL(s) with which the PowerBuilder database interface DLLs directly communicate; in most cases the presence of only those database client DLL(s) listed below is not sufficient to establish a connection with the target DBMS. PowerBuilder 6.0/6.5 InterfaceDescriptionPowerBuilder DLL (16-bit ends in 'W')Client DLL(s)16-bit32-bitIn a runtime environment the message 'DBMS is not supported in your current environment' indicates that . DBMS has not been correctly populated in executable. If using ProfileString, ensure that .INI file can be found. IN5Informix V5.xPBIN560W.DLLISQLI501.DLLIN7Informix V7.xPBIN760.DLLISQLT07C.DLLMDISybase Information Connect DB2PBMDI60W.DLLW3DBLIB.DLL*LIBSYBDB.DLLMSS**MS SQL Server 6.xPBMSS60W.DLLMSDBLIB3.DLLNTWDBLIB.DLLNETSybase Net Gateway for DB2PBNET60W.DLLW3DBLIB.DLL*LIBSYBDB.DLLODBODBCPBODB60W.DLLODBC.DLL ODBCINST.DLLODBC32.DLL ODBCCP32.DLLOR6Oracle 6.xPBOR660W.DLLORA6WIN.DLLOR7Oracle 7.xPROR760W.DLLORA7WIN.DLLOR8***Oracle 8.03PBOR860.DLLORA803.DLLO71Oracle 7.1PBO7160W.DLLORA71WIN.DLLORANT71.DLL (NT only)O72Oracle 7.2PBO7260W.DLLORA72WIN.DLLOCIW32.DLLO73Oracle 7.3PBO7360W.DLLORA73WIN.DLLOCIW32.DLLO84****Oracle 8.0.4/8.0.5PBO8460.DLLOCI.DLLSYBMS SQL Server 4.xPBSYB60W.DLLW3DBLIB.DLL*NTWDBLIB.DLLSYCSybase System 10.x/11.xPBSYC60W.DLLWCTLIB.DLL WCSLIB.DLLLIBCT.DLL LIBCS.DLLSYTSybase SQL Server DBLIBPBSYT60.DLLLIBSYBDB.DLL*W3DBLIB.DLL may be one of three versions 1) Microsoft 150KB+, 2) Sybase Pre OpenClient 150KB+, 3) Sybase OpenClient 30KB. **The Microsoft SQLServer native driver has been updated for use with SQL Server 7.0; however, it does not leverage all of the new features of the release. Microsoft has discontinued support for the db-library interface that the PBMSS driver uses as it does not support key new features such as DBCS. The direction that Microsoft has set for client support is the use of OLE-DB which is supported directly in PowerBuilder 7.0 and later. ***OR8 driver was beta in Powerbuilder 6.0 and 'gold' in PowerBuilder 6.5. This driver should only be used with Oracle 8.0.3 and is discontinued in PowerBuilder 8.0. ****O84 driver was beta in the PowerBuilder 6.5 general release (build 444) and 'gold' in builds 555 and later. Recent builds of PowerBuilder 6.5 are available from Sybase Technical Support. This driver is also suitable for use with Oracle 8i clients. PowerBuilder 7.0 InterfaceDescriptionPowerBuilder DLLClient DLL(s)In a runtime environment the message 'DBMS is not supported in your current environment' indicates that . DBMS has not been correctly populated in executable. If using ProfileString, ensure that .INI file can be found. DIRSybase DirectConnectPBDIR70.DLLLIBCT.DLL LIBCS.DLLIN7Informix V7.xPBIN770.DLLISQLT07C.DLLIN9Informix V9.xPBIN970.DLLISQLT09A.DLLJDMJDBC (Microsoft)PBJDM70.DLLMSJAVA.DLLJDSJDBC (Sun JDK 1.1.x only)PBJDS70.DLLJAVAI.DLLMSS*Microsoft SQLServer 6.xPBMSS70.DLLNTWDBLIB.DLLO73Oracle v7.3PBO7370.DLLOCIW32.DLLO84Oracle v8.04+PBO8470.DLLOCI.DLLODBODBCPBODB70.DLLODBC32.DLL ODBCCP32.DLLOLEOLE-DBPBOLE70.DLLOLE32.DLL OLEAUT32.DLLOR8Oracle v8.03PBOR870.DLLORA803.DLLSYCSybase SQLServer 11.xPBSYC70.DLLLIBCT.DLL LIBCS.DLL*The Microsoft SQLServer native driver has been updated for use with SQL Server 7.0; however, it does not leverage all of the new features of the release. Microsoft has discontinued support for the db-library interface that the PBMSS driver uses as it does not support key new features such as DBCS. The direction that Microsoft has set for client support is the use of OLE-DB which is supported directly in PowerBuilder 7.0. PowerBuilder 8.0 InterfaceDescriptionPowerBuilder DLLClient DLL(s)In a runtime environment the message 'DBMS is not supported in your current environment' indicates that . DBMS has not been correctly populated in executable. If using ProfileString, ensure that .INI file can be found. DIRDirect ConnectPBDIR80.DLLLIBCT.DLL LIBCS.DLLIN7Informix V7.xPBIN780.DLLISQLT07C.DLLIN9Informix V9.xPBIN980.DLLISQLT09A.DLLJDBJDBCPBJDB80.DLLMSJAVA.DLL - for Microsoft optionJAVAI.DLL - for JDK 1.1.x option JVM.DLL - for JDK 1.2+ optionJDM*JDBC (Microsoft)PBJDM80.DLLMSJAVA.DLLJDS*JDBC (Sun JDK 1.1.x only)PBJDS80.DLLJAVAI.DLLMSS**Microsoft SQLServerPBMSS80.DLLNTWDBLIB.DLLO73Oracle 7.3PBO7380.DLLOCIW32.DLLO84Oracle 8x, Oracle 8iPBO8480.DLLOCI.DLLODBODBCPBODB80.DLLODBC32.DLL ODBCCP32.DLLOLEMicrosoft OLE DBPBOLE80.DLLOLE32.DLL OLEAUT32.DLLSYCSybase ASEPBSYC80.DLLLIBCT.DLL LIBCS.DLL*The JDS and JDM drivers are deprecated in favor of the new JDB driver which can be used with Microsoft's Java VM as well as Sun's JDK 1.1.x, 1.2.x and 1.3. **The Microsoft SQLServer native driver has been updated for use with SQL Server 7.0 and SQLServer 2000; however, it does not leverage all of the new features of these releases. Microsoft has discontinued support for the db-library interface that the PBMSS driver uses as it does not support key new features such as DBCS. The direction that Microsoft has set for client support is the use of OLE-DB which is supported directly in PowerBuilder 8.0. 2ff7e9595c


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